Orange Pekoe Lapsang Souchong

Orange Pekoe Lapsang Souchong

from £10.00

Smoky | Woody | Powerful

Our Lapsang Souchong is a distinctive smoked black Chinese tea, which is a speciality of the Fujian Province. Its large tea leaves are placed over smoking pine fires before being pan fried and rolled, giving it a strong and uniquely smoky aroma and flavour.

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How to brew

Tea profile

Origin: Wuyi Mountains, Fujian Province, China
Altitude: Approx. 1,000 metres (3,280 feet)
Plucking season: Mid May
Varietal/cultivar: Sinensis, xiaozhong small-leafed varietal
Flavour profile: Peaty and smooth with rich hints of pine resin, tobacco and  wood smoke
Best Enjoyed: Black or with a dash of milk

Lapsang Souchong was the first ever black tea, made in the early 17th century deep in the heart of the Wuyi Mountains in China’s Fujian Province. Its exotic name most likely derives from ‘Lapu Shan’ - the local name for the mountain area where the tea is produced, and ‘Souchong’, derived from xioazhong, meaning the small leafed varietal of the tea plant that is plucked to make the tea.

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