Jam or Cream first? The scone debate...
Jam then Cream, or Cream then Jam… the age old debate has finally been settled but we can’t say we agree with the findings!
As the UK celebrates Afternoon Tea Week, it seems the debate over how to scones should be served has been settled by the biggest-ever survey. The survey found that…
“66 per cent of people prefer to put the jam before the cream on their scones, with 34 per cent preferring cream first.”
I’m afraid at Orange Pekoe Teas we seem to make up the minority, preferring the Devonian way… Cream then Jam. However we are more than accepting of those customers who prefer the Cornish way. Perhaps the real debate should be who serves the best scones, we are pretty sure this would put us in the lead! Come try for yourself…
Or if you’ve left it too late to reserve, why not enjoy a Cream Tea, no booking required.